Monday, September 13, 2010

Provo Parking Problems

Dear Editor,

I would like to address a persistent problem for BYU students living within the two-mile housing radius—parking. Many agree that the imminent end of the student discount for UTA passes will create further traffic problems for students who rely on public transportation to get to campus. I would like to further the discussion and suggest that there should be a community-wide initiative to improve the congested streets surrounding BYU.

In many of the housing complexes, there are fewer parking spaces than needed to accommodate the resident population. As a result, students must park in the street. In areas like Condo Row, the road is reduced to a barely-two-car passage. If there were to be a fire or other major emergency, it is not unlikely that emergency response units would have their efforts antagonized by the traffic situation.

Rather, it would be wise for local companies, BYU, Provo city, or even non-profit go-green organizations to build parking garages in the vicinity. Charging membership or usage fees that cover little more than maintenance costs, the garages would provide places for students who need a place to store their car to do so, similar to the long-term parking offered at the Salt Lake International Airport.

With a high parking capacity and a small structural footprint, parking garages would encourage students and residents to ride bikes and walk for the short trips to and from campus and other local sites, reducing automobile emissions and promoting healthier lifestyles.

Mont Toronto

Beijing, China


  1. I personally drive to school everyday. I have never, not once, had a problem finding a parking space. Registering a car with BYU only takes a few minutes and then you can park in all Y areas. My only issue is that the closest parking areas are behind the Marriott Center. I would really like something closer so I wouldn't have to walk 15 min. to my classes every morning on the other side of campus.

  2. I agree, I haven't had necessarily troubles parking; but have had to walk considerable lengths to get to campus. I do like the point that there will be less people riding the bus, causing the amount of vehicles needing to park to rise. Thinking to the future, this may become serious problem.
    You were very clear and precise in your writing though and I loved the tone. I just love reading your writing :) Great job!

  3. I like how you've approached this problem--looking at the surrounding city. There have been a lot of complaints about lack of parking in surrounding complexes. One thing that may be useful for you to mention is the Student Representatives on the Provo City council...they may be people that could help get this accomplished.

  4. I love your voice and argument, and also a good point on the fact that the UTA discount is leaving; however, I haven't had the problem either with parking. Then again, I live one block from campus and only drive when I go to work.
    Good blog though, I loved the argument. It was clear and precise.
