Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life Cereal

To all the Wonderful Employees of Quaker Oats,

My name is Natalie Bullen and I'm a sophomore at Brigham Young University majoring in public relations. This past semester, I was able to earn straight A's, and I plan to do the same this semester. This is no easy task, and a majority of my time is spent reading, calculating math problems, or composing essays. As you may assume, with all the time I spend studying I have little to no time to cook for myself. This means, I eat cereal quite frequently. Admittedly, it does get old after a while, but I've found that the only cereal I never get sick of is Cinnamon Life. Because of this, I go through boxes of it like crazy and with the little amount of money I have to spare, I won't know what to do with myself when I run out! It would make me just about the happiest person on campus if I were to be gifted a supply of Cinnamon Life for the rest of the school year. I can guarantee that it would be for a good cause, and my gratitude would be overflowing! Thank you for your time and have a wonderful rest of your day.

-Natalie Bullen


  1. Ha Ha. Clever idea. I wouldn't get sick of cinnamon life either.

  2. The best part is that you totally had it done before we even received the assignment.
    I thought it was pretty good and if it wasn't for the other hundreds that do the same thing, you might just have received a year supply!

  3. Ha ha this is a point i think many people can agree with. By the way best of luck to you with school and grades that is a great goal to have.

  4. Companies love getting letters like this. Who knows maybe you'll get some free cereal! You'll have to let us know the response.

  5. What a fun letter! Even if they don't give you Cinnamon Life, you've still done something valuable--given them support for keeping on investing in a product that you enjoy.
