Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Only the best

This article was shared in a journalism class the other week and it is perfect to analyze.


The Onion is a parody paper that is actually printed in a few cities (including Chicago) and twists stories into comedies. Real events and news are the basis for most of the articles and the irony is quite relevant to most readers. Topics range from politics to personal hygiene and readers come from all ages and backgrounds. Although the stories are not accurate, they are true in nature.

This article in particular mocks the debate on the President's religious background and whether he is a Muslim or not by comparing it to being a cactus. The rhetoric is pristine in that the wording is exactly what is used in the discussions on the President's religion. Implied in the text is that the audience has heard the hoopla about the President. As a reader, even though I take the issue seriously I couldn't help but cracking up along with the rest of my class about this article. Even those who had no clue what was going on were laughing hysterically. The goal is a laugh and I think it makes readers take a second very different look on relevant issues.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's good that you consider yourself part of the audience and write a little about what effect the article had on you, makes whatever arguments you'll have more credible because it's not just analyzing rhetoric through others' eyes but through your own as well.
