Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty
What is beauty? What does is truly mean to be beautiful?
It’s not what’s on the outside. It’s what’s on the inside that really counts and matters.
Is what we’ve been told over and over again as young women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the value of individual worth in Personal Progress, the scripture D&C 18:10, and the list goes on and on.
Yet, we still buy into the media into the tricks of this trade, male or female, parent or child. I believe it is a large and growing problem in society today. Commercials are just trying to get a dollar from you and they have to try harder when the economy is down, False. They do their job so well that they can get your last penny out of you, if you let them.
Dove’s campaign had a goal to increase the self-esteem of girls and women. They use real people (not models) in their ads. And there are no pictures of men on their site. The site seems to ‘sell’ Dove by showing girls and women who have great complexions. The site mentions the previous sterotypes for beauty. The previous commercials for Dove mentioned that is was ¼ cleansing cream and that it moisturized your skin. This new way seems to hit the target market right on.
This site is amazing, it has a wiki page:
I found this link that talks about the research done that showed, “The survey also found that no women described themselves as gorgeous, 1% said they were stunning and only 2% thought they're beautiful.”. So they spent their advertising money to reach over 97% of women that don’t think they are beautiful.
Beauty definitions from
1. the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
a beautiful person, esp. a woman.
a beautiful thing, as a work of art or a building.
Often, beauties. something that is beautiful in nature or in some natural or artificial environment.
an individually pleasing or beautiful quality; grace; charm: a vivid blue area that is the one real beauty of the painting.
Informal . a particular advantage: One of the beauties of this medicine is the freedom from aftereffects.
(usually used ironically) something extraordinary: My sunburn was a real beauty.
something excellent of its kind: My old car was a beauty.
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